Supporting small business

Everything you need to get your business going, from logos to website and everything in between!

Small Business Support 

This page has been tailored specifically for new and small businesses. Offering a range of support and services which have been grouped into the most commonally requested packages. 
If you would like a bespoke package or a stand alone service please dont hesitate to contact me.
I am working hard to ensure great design is accessable to all businesses.

Small business support packages


Starting from £299 this package is perfect for micro businesses or ​hobbyist.


Starting from £499 this is a great way to give your small start up a good digital presence.


Starting from £899 this package is for small businesses looking for a professional start.

Business Plus

Starting from £1250 this package will present your business in the best possible way, giving you a strong brand image and customer confidence.

Understanding Branding

Unlike a brand, branding is an active process that affects how a business’s brand develops. It covers the most basic elements of your identity, including; logo, colour palettes, fonts, styles, communication. It also includes the way your advertising and marketing materials are designed, and presented. Essentially, branding is an umbrella that gives you an identity.

Her excellent design skills and experience really helped as we discussed various options and nothing was too much, until I was happy with the design. 

Branding and Logo design

Package Details

Social  Starter Business Business Plus
Up-front cost £299 £499 £799 £1150
Initial Logo concepts 2 2 2 3
Logo Design
Dynamic Logo 
High Res Image File
Transparent Image File

Vector Files
Logo Guidlines
Mobile responsive design, Domain Name, Hosting, SEO, Security
Landing Page
1 page website, 
extra pages: £150/ pg
3 page website, 
extra pages: £150/ pg
Full Website
4 page website, 
extra pages: £100/ pg
Email Address          ​ 
Business Cards
100 Business cards 
Optional Extra  ​ 
 ​ ​ 
Social Media Kit
Cover Image for 2 platforms

Branding Upgrade
Full Brand guidelines
Digital Letter head
Optional Extra Optional Extra Optional Extra
Social Media Upgrade
Additional cover image & 3 post templates
Optional Extra Optional Extra
Printing Upgrade
250 Flyers
Optional Extra Optional Extra Optional Extra
Yearly Hosting fees
1st Year free
 £100 / year thereafter
1st Year free
 £120 / year thereafter
1st Year free
 £120 / year thereafter
Rotate your phone for full table

Logo Design

For your branding to work in the real world it needs to be versatile and adaptable.  For this you need a couple of logo variations plus black and white versions too.
Many businesses only discover this once they are established and start using the logo in practical scenarios. You can guarantee whatever setting you are in you need the opposite orientation for your logo.

Contact Me

Logo Style Options

As your logo is the 'face' of your brand it is an important element, as most of the brand will be driven by this design,  including style, fonts and colour palette.   


Illustrated Character Logo eg. Pringles and Wendy's


Conceptual Symbol logo eg. Pepsi and Olympic


Logo & text placed inside a shape eg. Starbucks 


Logo based on the abbreviated name eg. Mc Donalds 


Icon / graphic based logo eg. Apple and Twitter

Value for money

Lets think about how your target audience will see your business.  There are so many exciting design options and possibilities, however if you don’t have an unlimited budget you need to be careful as costs can mount up quickly. 

I've worked with many new and small businesses and can work with you to ensure you get maximum value and publicity for your budget.  Giving you a strong brand and identity without breaking the bank.